Podcast Episode

Modern Day Marketer: The Role of Content in Professional Development with Janet Granger of Marketing Career Mentor 

Brett McGrath

September 9, 2022

Modern Day Marketer: The Role of Content in Professional Development with Janet Granger of Marketing Career Mentor 

We are bookending your week, every week with a couple of podcast episodes that we hope can provide insights on how to be a better marketer, sales pro, or operator in your B2B company.

Punch up a weight class. 

Partner with brands who have paved the roads to where you want to travel.  G2 has been one of those brands for The Juice and we were thrilled to announce the launch of Category Pages this week. 

I can remember claiming my brand’s profile at G2 for the first time nearly a decade ago. 

Now I don’t buy software without making G2 a part of the evaluation process.

Modern day marketers spend so much time creating amazing content. Your future customer is evaluating what you are saying and where you are at before they engage with your brand. 

Your content differentiates and your brand matters more to your buyers now than ever before. 

As B2B buying processes grow in complexity, the ability to find helpful content is becoming more difficult. We believe that Category Pages help busy B2B professionals find the right content at the right time. 

Stop wasting time sifting through a bunch of noise that doesn’t matter to you.

Access to personalized content is everything. 

We are all out here grindin’ and trying to level up our brands. 

It’s easy to lose sight of professional growth and professional development. We are all building content to fuel our brands, but so often forget the importance that content can have on our own growth. 

Janet Granger is the CEO of Marketing Career Mentor, providing online mentoring and community to early career marketers. She gives young professionals the knowledge she wishes she had earlier on in her marketing career. On today’s episode she defines professional development, discusses the role of content in professional development, and identifies common qualities of young professionals. Her new book, OK Boomer! Revelations of a Baby Boomer Working With Millennials, explores age gaps and digital divides in the workplace.

In this episode we cover: 

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