Modern Day Marketer: Grappling with Growth at an Early Stage Company with Alaina Thompson
We are bookending your week, every week with a couple of podcast episodes that we hope can provide insights on how to be a better marketer, sales pro, or operator in your B2B company.
Marketers can’t forget the fundamentals.
It doesn’t matter how cool the new thing looks, it's not going to work if we lose sight of the fundamentals.
One of the most important fundamentals is trust.
We can’t buy it. We can’t manipulate it.
We’ve got to freakin’ earn it.
I’ve been studying user generated content and stumbled across an article on The Juice that Tamilore Oladipo wrote for Buffer.
My mind started to race and I began to consider how we should begin to think about UGC in B2B.
How do we create a campaign around it? How do we get people to share our product on social media?
The more I started to over engineer it, the less confident I got on the outcome.
The reason why?
We’ve all got to prioritize earning trust first.
If you want to level up on UGC make sure you check out the episode we dropped last week with Tamilore from Buffer.

I love exploring questions around growth. We all want it and struggle to maintain consistent growth.
How do we find it?
How often should we experiment?
How does data impact growth decisions?
We’ve been wrestling with the same questions that anyone in a sales and marketing role faces. That’s why I thought it would be a good time to bring The Juice’s Head of Growth, Alaina Thompson back on Modern Day Marketer to discuss how she’s thinking about growth 18 months into her role. In this episode we discuss all things growth marketing and what is and isn’t working. Alaina’s role has evolved with the company and she's focused not only on acquiring members, but also retention and monetization. A true modern-day marketer, Alaina isn’t afraid of a little experimentation to get the ball rolling.
In this episode we cover:
- Partnerships: How building connections with other platforms has amplified growth efforts
- Infrastructure: How building a solid technology infrastructure can help you better understand the data behind your growth efforts
- Experimentation: Why it never stops and how we need to be fearless around the testing that we do
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