Podcast Episode

New 3C Podcast Episode: The importance of customer success with Kat Locascio

Brett McGrath

July 13, 2021

New 3C Podcast Episode: The importance of customer success with Kat Locascio

Happy Monday.

We are bookending your week, every week with a couple of podcast episodes that we hope can provide insights on how to be a better marketer, sales pro, or operator in your B2B company.

In case you missed it, we dropped an episode with Brooklin Nash of Sales Hacker and Outreach about the role of content facilitation in content marketing. I’ve been a big fan of following the conversation that Brooklin has been facilitating online with the content marketing community and learned a ton from him during our conversation.

In today’s episode we are continuing the tradition of bringing new members of the The Juice team on board to share their story and what they will be focused on as they join the team. I’m pumped to introduce you Kat Locascio who joins The Juice as the first Customer Success hire. She brings a lot of energy to this conversation and am excited the focus on the customer that she will be bringing to the team. 

Here are some of the topics that we cover in this episode:

If you enjoy what we are doing we’d love for you to do a couple things:

Hope you enjoy this episode and have a great start to your week 💯🧃.

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