Podcast Episode

Modern Day Marketer: What We’re Learning From Our Customers About Content Marketing with Kat John 

Brett McGrath

February 20, 2023

Modern Day Marketer: What We’re Learning From Our Customers About Content Marketing with Kat John 

We are bookending your week, every week with a couple of podcast episodes that we hope can provide insights on how to be a better marketer, sales pro, or operator in your B2B company.

PR has changed from when I started in B2B marketing.

It’s no longer about firing out a press release and hoping the right people see your news.

It’s about going on offense and identifying ways to maximize all of the energy that's been poured into your content marketing strategy. The intersection between content and PR can be transformational for your brand and understanding how to make it happen can help you jump levels as a marketer.

Lindsey Groepper at BLASTmedia has 18 years of experience in B2B SaaS PR. She’s got a unique perspective on how the PR and media landscape has evolved. Also, she’s got some incredible ideas on the fusion between content marketing and PR.

We dropped an episode last week on how we can start taking modern approaches to PR in our overall marketing strategy and why it’s important to understand the changing media landscape that impacts tech.


There’s been a ton of change that has impacted marketers over the last several months. Most of these changes are outside of anyone’s control and have caused pullback of resources, headcount, and support for marketing teams. We’ve been digging in with our customers to learn more about their situations and to understand why content marketing remains a top priority. 

Kat John, the Customer Success Manager at The Juice, joins the show to talk to customers. She shares what she’s learned about The Juice’s customers, what excites them, and what they need support with. Some customer goals include: brand awareness, top of funnel activity, and measuring the value of their content programs.

In this episode we cover: 

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