Podcast Episode

Modern Day Marketer: Onboarding New Teammates and Sharing the Process 

Brett McGrath

June 27, 2022

Modern Day Marketer: Onboarding New Teammates and Sharing the Process 

We are bookending your week, every week with a couple of podcast episodes that we hope can provide insights on how to be a better marketer, sales pro, or operator in your B2B company.

Are you back doing market events or thinking about how you are going to reach your future customer in an offline world again? 

A topic that was recently in the rearview is now back in the fold. Marketers are back to trying to figure out how to build in person strategies that stand out. The past 2 years changed the game forever and now is the time to take big swings to win the hearts and minds of your audience.

Last week I was joined by Lauren Alt-Kishpaugh of Postal as she discussed how her team was going back to in-person events and ways they were trying new things to cut through the noise. The status quo won’t work any more. It’s time to experiment! 

I love onboarding new teammates. Who doesn’t like it when their team grows?

I think this is such an interesting topic and everyone goes about the process differently. I think there is something that we can learn from each other and that’s why I wanted to bring our most recent hire on the podcast to talk about it.

Nathan Carnes is the newest member to The Juice team. He recently graduated from Butler University and will be helping the marketing team in a lot of different ways. We discuss the onboarding process, expectations, and the type of work he’ll be diving into. 

In this episode we cover: 

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