Podcast Episode

Modern Day Marketer: How to Use YouTube Video Content to Execute an Integrated Marketing Strategy for B2B with Janet Mesh of Aimtal

Brett McGrath

November 17, 2023

Modern Day Marketer: How to Use YouTube Video Content to Execute an Integrated Marketing Strategy for B2B with Janet Mesh of Aimtal

We are bookending your week, every week with a couple of podcast episodes that we hope can provide insights on how to be a better marketer, sales pro, or operator in your B2B company.

The Modern Day Marketer podcast took a nice long vacation as I spent a month out of the office on paternity leave welcoming our new daughter into this world. Did you think it was done? Come on now! We’re back and better than ever. We appreciate everyone’s interest while we were on hiatus and excited to bring more powerful conversations for you and that starts with today! 

In this episode, we had a fascinating conversation with Janet Mesh, CEO and co-founder at Aimtal, about how to use YouTube video content to execute an integrated marketing strategy for B2B. Janet shared valuable insights and tips on getting started with video, selling it internally, integrating it into the marketing strategy, and conducting audience research to create audience-centric video content.

Getting Started with Video

When it comes to getting started with video, there are a few hurdles to overcome. One of the main challenges is the intimidation factor, especially for marketers who didn't start their careers with video. However, Janet emphasizes the importance of starting small and dedicating resources specifically for video creation. It's crucial to have someone who is dedicated to creating video content and owning the outcome. Janet also highlights the debate between authentic videos and high production value. While high production value may seem desirable, the data shows that authentic, human-centric videos often perform better. It's important to find the right balance and experiment with different styles to see what resonates with your audience.

Selling Video Internally

To get buy-in from internal stakeholders, it's essential to communicate clear expectations and quantify the value of video. Janet suggests using data and third-party validation to support your case. Show how video can contribute to revenue goals and tie it back to the larger marketing strategy. By demonstrating the impact of video on metrics like engagement, brand awareness, and lead generation, you can make a compelling argument for incorporating video into the marketing strategy.

Integrating Video into the Marketing Strategy

To effectively integrate video into the marketing strategy, it's crucial to have an integrated marketing strategist who can think holistically and bring different teams together. This person should have a range of experience and a strategic mindset to build the video strategy, oversee execution, and ensure alignment with broader marketing goals.

Audience research plays a vital role in determining the types of video content to create. By analyzing existing audience data and using tools like Sparktoro and SEMrush, marketers can gain insights into audience preferences and tailor their video content accordingly. Janet shares a real-life example of how her team created an educational explainer series for a cybersecurity company based on audience research and keyword analysis.

Setting Expectations and Managing Resources

When it comes to setting expectations and managing resources for video creation, it's important to consider the cost, communicate expectations with stakeholders, align video with the overall strategy, and repurpose video content across different channels. By demonstrating the value of video and its impact on key metrics, marketers can secure the necessary resources and support from internal stakeholders.

Audience Research and Video Content Creation

Audience research is a crucial step in creating audience-centric video content. By leveraging existing audience data and using tools like Sparktoro and SEMrush, marketers can gain insights into audience preferences and tailor their video content to meet their needs. Janet shares a real-life example of how her team created an educational explainer series for a cybersecurity company based on audience research and keyword analysis.

The series, titled "What's That?", focused on explaining complex security concepts in an engaging and educational manner. By bringing in experts and thought leaders, the videos provided valuable insights and helped position the company as a central hub for cybersecurity education.


In conclusion, incorporating YouTube video content into an integrated marketing strategy for B2B can be a powerful way to engage audiences, drive brand awareness, and generate leads. By starting small, dedicating resources, and finding the right balance between authentic and high production value videos, marketers can overcome the initial hurdles and create impactful video content. By effectively communicating the value of video, setting clear expectations, and aligning it with the broader marketing strategy, marketers can secure buy-in from internal stakeholders. By conducting audience research and creating audience-centric video content, marketers can ensure that their videos resonate with their target audience and drive meaningful results. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to leverage the power of YouTube video content and take your integrated marketing strategy to the next level.

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